Table of Contents
To Councillors: Sara Box (Vice Chairman), Sara Cass, David Cottis, Jon Elford, Stephen Marsh, Helen Neary, Jon Sebright, Philip Warden (Chairman) and Mark Wilson
You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the Parish Council to be held at 7.30pm on Tuesday 13th December 2022 at Temple Cloud Village Hall.
Philip Edwards, Clerk, 8th December 2022
(20min) 7:30
Members of the public are requested to raise any matter during this session as the rest of the meeting is not open to public participation. Members of the public and press may attend the meeting unless the Parish Council enters a confidential session. Members of the public may make representations, ask questions and give evidence on any matter of concern, for not more than five minutes, by addressing the Chairman. Please notify the clerk of any intention to record or film a meeting in order that necessary arrangements can be made. SO2.1-2.6, SO2.6
(3min) 7:50
To note and decide on apologies for absence.
(3min) 7:53
To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary or personal interests and consider any dispensation requests in accordance with the PC Code of Conduct.
(5min) 7:56
TO RESOLVE: The Parish Council meeting minutes of Tuesday 8th November 2022 are confirmed as an accurate record and signed by Chairman.
2212_[5] REPORTS
(a) Chairman’s Report
(4min) 8:01
- Christmas tree switch-on event, to thank:
- Richard Jordan from Cam Bridge Barn for gifting the Christmas Tree
- Neil and Bev from Old Court Temple Cloud for providing electricity for the lights
- Paul, Kayleigh and Morgan from Paul’s Tree Services for cutting down, delivering and dressing the tree
- Steve Branch from Taylor Plant and Jon Sage and Louika for erecting the tree
- Dave Wood for arranging and coordinating the volunteers and event
- To receive any other reports from the Chairman
(b) Clerk’s Report
(6min) 8:05
- The annual playground inspection has been completed. A copy of the report has been forwarded to council members.
- Following the breakdown of the heater in the village hall foyer, a new Mitsubishi AC heater with wifi control has been installed. The emergency scheme of the delegation to the Clerk was used to proceed on an urgent basis following consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and available councilors. Two comparative quotations were obtained. Recommendations on models were independently confirmed. The cost of repairs to the old system was expected to be greater over the next two years than the cost of a new replacement with a 5 year warranty. Details of the breakdown, quotes and options were emailed to all councilors for consultation.
- The Clerk has received enquiries regarding the long term plans for the playing field net.
TO RESOLVE: Parish Council longer term intention for the large playing field net.
(c) Members Reports
(5min) 8:11
- To receive an update on the warm spaces community event in the village hall
- To receive any reports from council members on responsibilities or attendance of outside bodies.
(d) Pump Track Report:
(6min) 8:16
- The crowdfunding supporters page has been published on the website.
- A response to Sport England has been submitted to the planning officer.
- An offer of consultancy services from Brown & Currie has been shared with Velosolutions. A copy of the correspondence has been emailed to council members.
- To receive any other updates on the pump track.
2212_[6] FINANCE
(10min) 8:22
Payments and income – see appendix 2022-12 Finance Reports
- TO RESOLVE: payments to approve listed in finance reports.
- To note: payments and Income
- To note: Bank reconciliation
(5min) 8:32
- TO RESOLVE: Acceptance of grass cutting quotation for 23-24
- TO RESOLVE: Annual budget for 2023-2024
- TO RESOLVE: Precept amount for 2023-2024
(5min) 8:37
There are no outstanding consultation requests. Recent updates to previous planning applications updates can be viewed online: (filter with ‘PARISH’)
(3min) 8:42
TO RESOLVE: Date of next meeting: Tuesday 10th January 2023, 7.30pm
Appendix 1: Meeting documents and reports
2022-12 Finance Reports
Financial reports for the monthly parish council meeting.
- Posted:
- Version: 1.1
2023-01 Finance Reports
Financial reports for the monthly parish council meeting.
- Posted:
- Version: 1.1
Minutes of Parish Council Meeting: 8th November 2022, 7:30pm
Minutes for the November Parish Council meeting. An appendix of related documents can be found on the last page of this document.
- Status: Approved
Appendix 2: Correspondence
To view appendices, please view this document on our website
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