pump track design

Agenda & Notice of Parish Council Meeting: 9th Nov 2021, 7:30pm

To Councillors: Jon Sebright (Chairman), Sara Box, Sara Cass, Stephen Marsh, Helen Neary and Philip Warden

You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the Parish Council to be held at 7.30pm on Tuesday 9th November 2021 at Temple Cloud Village Hall.

Philip Edwards, Parish Clerk,
3rd Nov 2021

Meeting Location: Temple Cloud Village Hall

Members of the public are advised to attend online to reduce the risk of coronavirus transmission:

Please notify the clerk of any intention to record or film a meeting in order that necessary arrangements can be made.Photographing, recording, broadcasting or transmitting the proceedings of a meeting is permitted unless the public are excluded by reason of the confidential nature of the business or where publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest.SO2.6


(15 min) 7:30

Members of the public are requested to raise any matter during this session as the rest of the meeting is not open to public participation. Members of the public and press are entitled to attend the meeting unless the Parish Council by resolution enters a confidential session. Within this public session, members of the public may make representations, ask and answer questions and give evidence on any matter affecting or of concern, by addressing the Chairman. SO2.6


(3 min) 7:45

To note and decide on apologies for absence.


(3 min) 7:48

To consider any requests of dispensations and to receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary or personal interests in accordance with the PC Code of Conduct and to consider and grant any dispensation requests.


(4 min) 7:51

TO RESOLVE: That the minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council which took place on Tuesday 12th October 2021 are approved as an accurate record and signed by the Chairman.


(5 min) 7:55

Chairman’s report

2021-11_6. CLERK’S REPORT

(5 min) 8:00

  • The Clerk has completed playground inspection training with ‘The Register of Play Inspectors International’ and qualified for ‘Outdoor Routine Inspector’ valid until Oct 2024.
  • All documentation and supporting evidence has been submitted to renew the council’s LCAS Foundation Award.
  • Temple Cloud Shop as an asset of community value: Two residents responded who were willing to work together on proposals for an application.
  • Double Yellow Lines: The consultation response from the Parish Council has been submitted to BANES. BANES have confirmed that the suggested proposals on Temple Inn Lane allow for large lorries to pass safely past parked cars. BANES have confirmed that Brandon Close is in the process of being adopted. Further correspondence from a member of the public has been shared with councillors.
  • The table in the gazebo has been fire-damaged. This has been reported to police who have since visited. Repairs need to be made to the table. The gazebo roof has outstanding repairs to consider.

TO RESOLVE: To advise clerk on preferred repair options for table: repair with new wood vs repair with a metal surface vs remove table.

To RESOLVE: Proceed with annual play inspection with The Play Inspection Co, with discounted rate, £139 +VAT


(8 min) 8:05

TO RESOLVE: Requests for consultation:

Application Reference21/04782/FUL
Application Address: Cinderlands, Cameley Road, Cameley, Bristol, Bath And North East Somerset, BS39 5AF
Proposal: Erection of detached bungalow.

Application Reference21/04905/FUL
Application Address: 13 Meadway, Temple Cloud, Bristol, Bath And North East Somerset, BS39 5BD
Proposal: Erection of a single storey side and rear extension to replace existing garage and conservatory.

To note any updates from previous planning applications:

2021-11_8. FINANCE

(8 min) 8:13

Refer to ‘2021-10 PCM: Finance Reports’:

  1. TO RESOLVE: payments to approve listed on ‘2021-11 PCM: Finance Reports’ totaling £768.50
  2. To note payments and Income to report
  3. To note: bank reconciliation for October
  4. To note: Year to date spend against budget
  5. To arrange: Date for finance working party to plan 2022 budget proposals


(5 min) 8:21

To review plans for the Christmas Tree.

2021-11_10. PUMP TRACK

(10 min) 8:26

To review grant applications for the pump track.

2021-11_11. VILLAGE HALL

(8 min) 8:36

To Note: Village Hall Gutter Repairs: A complete replacement has been advised due to deterioration of the gutter and absence of spares for old guttering. Quotes are being sought.

  • TO RESOLVE: Request for occasional use of Village Hall Car Park for a mobile office trailer by school builders in Nov/Dec
  • TO RESOLVE: Exclusion of press and public due to confidential commercial contracts to be discussed.
  • TO RESOLVE: Approval to book works for summer 2022 for brickwork on Village Hall.


(3 min) 8:44

TO RESOLVE: Date of next meeting: Tuesday 14th December 2021