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2021-10 Report on Temple Cloud Shop and Assets of Community Value

Introduction and Community Support

The Parish Council has received requests from local residents by email to consider submitting an application to BANES to list the Temple Cloud shop (Central Convenience Stores) as an asset of community value.

If the application is successful, this does not necessarily mean that the operation of the shop is affected on a day to day basis, rather it gives the community notice should the shop come up for sale. The community could then potentially have six months to raise the funds to purchase the shop.

The Parish Council will be discussing this at the October 2021 meeting, for details of the meeting, and if you would like to attend, please visit the following link for details:

If an asset is listed and then comes up for sale, the new right could give communities that want it a total of 6 months to put together a bid to buy it.

There is a facebook post on local community pages to raise awareness of the option to register an asset of community value. The Parish Council is an eligible organisation to nominate an asset of community value.

Evidence will be required from the community as to why the shop should be listed as an asset of community value.

About Assets of Community Value

This new Community Right (sometimes called the “Community Right to Buy” or “Community Right to Bid”) allows defined community groups, including Parish Councils, to ask the Council to list certain assets as being of “community value”. This is designed to give communities more opportunities to take control of the assets and facilities important to them.

If an asset is listed and then comes up for sale, the new right could give communities that want it a total of 6 months to put together a bid to buy it (including a 6-week cut-off for an initial proposal to be put forward).

What happens once an asset is listed?

Once an asset is listed, the owner cannot then dispose of it without:

  • letting the local authority know that they intend to sell the asset or grant a lease of more than 25 years
  • waiting until the end of a six week ‘interim moratorium’ period if the local authority does not receive a request from a community interest group to be treated as a potential bidder
  • waiting until the end of a six month ‘full moratorium’ period if the local authority receives a request from a community interest group to be treated as a potential bidder
  • The owner does not have to sell the asset to the community interest group.  

Research required for a Nomination

Refer to
Nomination Form:

Legislation: The Assets of Community Value (England) Regulations 2012

Details Required for the Nomination Form:

  • A description of the nominated land including its proposed boundaries
  • The names of the current occupants of the land
  • The names and current or last-known addresses of all those holding a freehold or leasehold estate in the land
  • What is the current or recent non-ancillary use of the land and/or building?
  • C2) Is any aspect of the nominated land and/or building’s usage actively discouraged by the Council’s Policy and Budget Framework? (A request will be made of the council officers to comment for their individual themes on whether the nomination conflicts with their plans, strategies and policies.) See
  • Has the land and/or building requirement for this usage changed significantly since its initial use so that the asset is not fit for purpose?

Evidence Required from the Community

  • C1) How does the nominated land and/or building meet the social interests of the local community as a whole? (Show how the current main use of the building furthers the social interests or social wellbeing of the local community as a whole, what are the consequences is usage ceases, include evidence)
  • C3) Why is the nominated land and/or building usage seen as having social value for the local community? (Evidence on impact on local community pride, cohesion, sense of place, sustainable living, areas of need)
  • C4) How strongly does the local community feel the land and/or building usage furthers their social interests? (Evidence supplied by local stakeholders (eg survey, petition), evidence of soundness of gathering community feedback, reference to parish plan/community plan or other local documents, evidence from local ward members)

What help is available?

Grant funding may be available, for example, match funding:

  • Posted: 5th October 2021