Table of Contents
Clerk: Philip Edwards (CiLCA) | Tel: 07591 257067 |
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Councillors Present: Sara Box, David Cottis, Andrew Kirkby, Helen Neary and Mark Wilson (Chairman of the meeting)
Also Present: Philip Edwards (Clerk)
There was no public participation contributed by members of the public.
2307_[2] Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from Jon Elford, Jon Sebright and Philip Warden
2307_[3] Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary or personal interests.
2307_[4] Confirmation of Minutes
RESOLVED: The Parish Council meeting minutes of Tuesday 20th June 2023 were confirmed as an accurate record and signed by Chairman.
2307_[5] Co-option of new Council Member
There were no applications for co-option.
2307_[6] Chairman’s Report
- There was no report from the Chairman
2307_[7] Clerk’s Report
- Noted: correspondence shared with council members listed in the appendix
- Noted: New defibrillator pads have been fitted on the school unit
- Noted: the clerk has been updating the website with a new theme code with latest php and wordpress version. This will fix background errors and improve security.
- RESOLVED: The clerk was requested to purchase a new defibrillator cabinet with a budget of approximately £500 +VAT
2307_[8] Members Reports
- Reviewed: reports on members’ responsibilities or attendance of outside bodies.
- Cllr Kirkby reported on communications from the police
2307_[9] Ward Councillor’s Report
- BANES District Cllr Wood sent apologies for absence
- A report was received regarding the pump track grand opening event
- The field layout was presented
- The loan of a large barbecue is required and offers of loan of equipment would be welcome
- Scouts are planning to help with the event
- Other activities arranged so far include a tombola, cake stall, exhibition pieces, bouncy castle and band
- Stalls are being sought that are wheels and bike related
- The promotional design provided by Cllr Cottis was reviewed and approved
- Noted: The split tree limb in the BANES hedge overhanging the playing field bench has been removed by BANES. The council thanked the clerk for persistence in pursuing this with BANES.
- Noted: An offer for junior sized goalposts may be available from a local football club. Cllr Neary also highlighted grant options for equipment.
- Noted: stones and rocks from the pump track topsoil have caused problems for the playing field grass mowing. The village operative has been moving stones into the hedge. Councillors were requested to move stones into the hedge if passing. It was suggested that further grass seeding should be delayed until after the summer.
- A request for a drinking water facility outside the village hall was reviewed. A charity based option had been researched and would cost £2000. The council agreed other options should be reviewed.
- A request from Temple Cloud in Bloom for a tap to water plants outside the village hall would be reviewed alongside a possible drinking water facility
- RESOLVED: The Clerk was requested to purchase one double bin for the pump track
- RESOLVED: Cllr Wilson was requested to provide a quote for supplying boulders. Cllr Wilson subsequently declared an interest in the item of business and did not participate further or vote in this item of business. The purchase and installation of boulders or other options between the car park and pump track was resolved to be reviewed at a future meeting.
2307_[11] VILLAGE HALL
- Noted: A smart meter has been installed in the village hall. Graphs of online usage are being observed to monitor if energy use can be reduced.
- Noted: Current electricity usage and current payments suggest that payments and account balance to date are on schedule with a small balance on the account. The EDF account has suggested an automatic reduction in future direct debits.
- Reviewed: Current use of village hall. Cllr Neary reported that an architect had visited to advise on possible options for the village hall. Cllr Neary advised there may be an option of working with architecture university students to resource ideas for the village hall. Ideas included updating the kitchen and foyer as a multi-purpose area that could include a cafe bar. The council agreed that a working party to review and explore these options should be arranged later in the year after the pump track opening event.
- RESOLVED: The council approved no changes to the village hall hire rates and playing field hire rates
2307_[12] FINANCE
Payments and income – see appendix 2023-07 Finance Reports
- RESOLVED: payments to approve as listed in finance reports, checked and signed by Cllr Box
- Noted: payments and Income
- Noted: Bank reconciliation, checked and signed by Cllr Sebright
- Noted: Year to date spend against budget
- Reviewed: Options for point of sale terminals for receiving card payments and online payments for the village hall
- RESOLVED: The clerk was requested to set up an account with SumUp and purchase a point of sale terminal with a suggested budget of £49 to £79 +VAT dependent on a review by the Clerk on suitable functions.
RESOLVED: Application Reference: 23/02363/FUL:
The council supports this application.
Application Address: South Barn , Cameley Road, Cameley, Bristol, Bath And North East Somerset, BS39 5AH
Proposal: Retention of seed store
RESOLVED: Application Reference: 23/02432/CLEU:
The council have no objection to this application.
Application Address: Cam Bridge Barn , Temple Bridge, Temple Cloud, Bristol, Bath And North East Somerset, BS39 5AA
Proposal: Use of a building as residential with adjacent garden (Certificate of Lawful Use (Existing))
- RESOLVED: Individual councillors had reviewed the consultation request regarding High Littleton & Hallatrow Neighbourhood Plan. Councillors agreeed they would submit any feedback individually.
- Noted: WECA Consultation request regarding Somer Valley Links
RESOLVED: Date of next meeting: Tuesday 12th September 2023, 7.30pm
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 21:14
Agreed as a correct record,
signed by the Chairman of the meeting: _______________________ on:_______________
(Chairman initial all other pages)
- Status: Approved