pump track design

Agenda & Notice of Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting: 5th September 2023, 7:30pm

Clerk: Philip Edwards (CiLCA) | Tel: 07591 257067 |
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To Councillors: Sara Box, David Cottis, Jon Elford, Andrew Kirkby, Jon Sebright (Chairman), Philip Warden and Mark Wilson (Vice Chairman)

You are hereby summoned to attend an extraordinary meeting of the Parish Council to be held at 7.30pm on Tuesday 5th September 2023 at Temple Cloud Village Hall.

Jon Sebright, Chairman, 31st August 2023


(10min) 7:30

Members of the public may raise any matter during this session for not more than three minutes, by addressing the Chairman. The rest of the meeting is closed to public participation. The public and press may attend the meeting unless the Council enters a confidential session, please notify the clerk of any intention to film or record.


2307B_[2]  Apologies for Absence

(3min) 7:40

To note and decide on apologies for absence.

2307B_[3]  Declaration of Interest

(3min) 7:43

To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary or personal interests and consider any dispensation requests in accordance with the PC Code of Conduct.

2307B_[4] Confirmation of Minutes

(4min) 7:46

TO RESOLVE: The Parish Council meeting minutes of Tuesday 11th July 2023 are confirmed as an accurate record and signed by Chairman.


(20min) 7:50

  • TO RESOLVE: Review and confirmation of council objectives for the pump track party, for example, community benefit, cost and/or fund raising.
  • To note: Current spend and projected spend for the pump track party.
  • TO RESOLVE: To approve up to £650 spend from the community grant budget for the community event, Pump Track Party on 23rd Sept.
  • TO RESOLVE: The sale of food and drinks and the bar will be run by Helen Neary who has offered to purchase some stocks required, understood to be at personal financial risk, prior to council approval of reimbursement for receipted costs. The stall holding activities by Helen Neary will be covered by the council insurance, TENS license and council risk assessment. The cumulative stall holding profits will be donated to the council after cumulative personal costs have been deducted.
  • TO RESOLVE: The council card payment machine will be provided to Helen Neary to receive payments on the day for the sale of food, drinks and other items, which will received directly into the council account. The proceeds of these payments will be used to reimburse any receipted individual costs subject to future approval by the council along with any other costs of running the community event.
  • TO RESOLVE: Hire of bouncy castle, and payment on presentation of invoice for up to £250+VAT
  • To note: Cost to be incurred for payment for St Johns first aiders for pump track event £158.40 +VAT on presentation of invoice.
  • TO RESOLVE: To agree any other costs of approximately up to £130 +VAT for the pump track party
  • TO RESOLVE: £14.99 cost of wind speed anenometer to be taken from Christmas Tree budget
  • TO RESOLVE: To approve cost of BANES safety advisory group £83 +VAT to be taken from the training budget . (covering: health and safety advice/education regarding event management)
  • TO RESOLVE: To approve the PAT testing risk assessment.
  • TO RESOLVE: Estimate of costs for hosting the band including:
    • £100 to inspect band equipment and PAT test any band equipment older than 2 years old
    • £140 possible hire of generator for the band
    • £250 possible cost towards staging/trailer/tent for the band (note: pro hire £1500 to £3000)
  • To note: Documentation submitted to the BANES safety advisory group and subsequent advisories.
  • TO RESOLVE: To approve the health and safety and event documentation. These documents include:
    • Event Management Plan, which includes activities, organisations and personnel involved, how communcation will be performed and organisation structure.
    • Risk Assessment
    • Lost and Found Child Policy
    • Site Plan, including the position of band
    • List of stall holders and personnel
    • List of responsibilities


(15min) 8:10

To confirm tasks and responsibilities for the pump track party

To review any other plans required for the pump track party


(3min) 8:25

To Note: Date of next meeting: Tuesday 12th September 2023, 7.30pm



Appendix of Meeting documents and reports

Councillor responsibilities in decision making

To note:

“The key thing, as with all health and safety, is to keep a sense of proportion – not to go over the top or take inadequate precautions.”

“councillors need to satisfy themselves that risks are considered as part of their decision-making process and are sensibly managed.”

“putting a service out to tender is not a mechanism for transferring all the health and safety risks and responsibilities to a contractor. The local authority as client must ensure that whoever carries out the work is able to do so in a way that controls health and safety risks and that they are not forcing conditions or systems upon your service provider that put workers or the public at unacceptable risk”

To note:

As an employer, you’re required by law to protect your employees, and others, from harm.

Under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, the minimum you must do is:

  • identify what could cause injury or illness in your business (hazards)
  • decide how likely it is that someone could be harmed and how seriously (the risk)
  • take action to eliminate the hazard, or if this isn’t possible, control the risk

Working documents

Councillors: Refer to onedrive shared folder link emailed to councillors on 31/08/2023, 14:46 for working documents, including event management plan and risk assessment

Comments from BANES safety advisory group

Log of comments receieved from BANES safety advisory group

  • Posted: 5th September 2023

Electrical Safety at Events

Guidance taken from other councils on electrical health and safety at events

  • Posted: 20th August 2023
  • Version: 1.1

Minutes of Parish Council Meeting: 11th July 2023, 7:30pm

Minutes and associated documents for the parish council meeting.

Payments Associated with Event

  • Posted: 2nd September 2023
  • Version: 2.1

VAT Guidance

Notes on VAT guidance for councils taken from CILCA submission, P Edwards, 2nd March 2021

  • Posted: 3rd September 2023

To view appendices, please view this document on our website

  • Version: 1.1